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InterCollagen Guide

InterCollagen Guide

Regular price CHF 98.00 Sale

Indications for Use

InterCollagen® Guide can be used in guided bone regeneration (GBR) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedures as a biodegradable barrier for:

  • Periodontal bone defects (1-3 wall defects) and furcation defects (class I and II)
  • After apicectomy, cystectomy, resection of retained teeth, and resection of other bone lesions
  • Sinus floor augmentation and support of the Schneiderian membrane
  • Maxillary ridge augmentation
  • Maxillary ridge reconstruction for prosthetic treatment
  • Extraction sockets after tooth extractions
  • Immediate or delayed augmentation around implants in extraction sockets
  • Surgical bone defects and bone wall defects
  • Dehiscence and fenestration defects


InterCollagen® is a resorbable cross-linked membrane that promotes rapid healing. It exhibits excellent drapability, long-term stability and is easily suturable. InterCollagen® Guide is validated and documented in case of studies through clinicians involving procedures such as horizontal/vertical augmentation, sinus augmentation, and sinus elevation.